As the doors close on our ‘Totally Curious, Ever Inventive’ exhibition, we’re delighted to share that our art gallery won’t be vacant for long. This month, we’ll be opening ‘Botanical Arts and Crafts’, a celebratory exhibition to mark 25 years of the Birmingham Society of Botanical Artists (BSBA). Through a range of art forms, you will experience a riot of colour and marvel at the botanical beauties that have long inspired artists – and continue to do so today.
Botanical art initially began to capture information for medicinal purposes and scientific study. In recent years, it’s become so much more than that. It’s a way for us to preserve the beauty and structures of the ever-disappearing flora, fauna, and vegetation of our fragile world, plus bring nature into our homes so we can appreciate and delight in these wonders of nature.
This is exactly what ‘Botanical Arts and Crafts’ is designed to do. To give you the chance to get up close and personal with the flowers and plants we share our planet with – many of which we infrequently see in the wild – and gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Exhibiting the work of the BSBA is a natural choice for us. The seed for the Society was planted at Winterbourne, where students on the University of Birmingham’s Certificate of Higher Education in Botanical Illustration honed their craft in our garden – before forming the BSBA after graduating to continue their studies and passion. The Society formed in 1999, and continues to be a haven for artists, scientists, and gardeners.
Following in the footsteps of the Arts and Craft movement, which is so well represented here at Winterbourne, BSBA members take their inspiration from natural patterns, details, and shapes. Therefore, the exhibition of the Society’s work – illustrations, paintings, and crafts – is a wonderful nod to the history and ethos of our house and garden, while showcasing the many botanic highlights that can be found here at Winterbourne.
‘Botanical Arts and Crafts’ runs from 24 February 2024 to 8 September 2024. Entry is included with standard admission to the house and garden. If you’re inspired by your visit, why not join the BSBA? Find out more and browse artwork by existing members by visiting the society’s website today.