The Winterbourne Press

Winterbourne is home to several 19th century printing presses which are now used for workshops, demonstrations and for making cards and bags sold in Winterbourne’s gift shop.

On most Wednesdays and Fridays volunteers demonstrate the presses and are happy to chat to visitors about their use.

There is a strong link between Birmingham and the history of print, a relationship which is now being developed as part of the University of Birmingham’s joint initiative with Birmingham City University entitled the Centre for Printing History and Culture.

Winterbourne is also involved in the Virtual Museum of Printing project which is well worth a ‘visit’.

Visitors learning the art of using the printing press

Visitors in the Printing Press room at Winterbourne House and Garden

Fresh print being removed for drying

Visitors admiring the latest prints off the printing press

Print design in progress

Cluster of fresh prints off the printing press

Find out more about workshops